I remember those days, in my little mind, whenever I saw the above statement, I would wonder how true it was.

'How can someone allow the tap to run slowly when they can just increase the tap and allow the bucket to fill? ', I would say in my little mind.

I even went as far as doing an experiment of putting a bucket under the tap and allowed it to flow in little drops, to see how long it would take the bucket to fill up.

How naive and innocent my thoughts were. How I did not understand that that statement was just metaphorical, and had lots of meanings.

From our everyday actions, as we engage in acts, little by little, it either consumes or restores us, makes or mars us.

Recently, I carried out an experiment. I decided to do what I originally would take for granted, and when I checked my purse, I flashed back to the above statement, and I said.. 'Little drops of water truly makes a mighty ocean'.

Sometimes, you see people who you know personally, wealthy and already made persons. They are so successful that sometimes you wonder if it was real. They have business branches all over the area. Quite a number of houses, and several staff under their payroll. They could afford most things that money could buy with luxury. Bank officials come everyday, to take their money to the bank.

All you and most people know about them is that they are successful, but most don't know their story or history.

A little chat or discussion with them, you'd be all teared up, and you'll remember the above statement again.

You'd get to realise that when they started that hustle, they barely could feed. There were days they went on an empty stomach almost everyday, just to have a little more to add to that business venture. The odds didn't deter them.

Have you seen those women who ply their trade in big markets? Some, heavily pregnant, but joining a lorry going to 'Lusada' or 'Oyingbo' market, to buy tomato and crayfish for sell. The water from the tomato, dripping on them as they curled at the back of the lorry.

They have a lot of tales and experiences that would keep your mouth agape. The struggles, hazzles, hussle and bussles, tirelessly saved little by little, till they became an whole seller in the line of business they settled for. Today, their story is different.

A body of water gets filled drop by drop. To create a body of work you’re proud of, you put in little things consistently over time, after while you have great work.

Don't look down on your small and seemingly inconsequential take-off. It's only a matter of time before result start yielding benefit.

Despise not small start. Take the right risk, don't quit even when situations say so. Your tenacity will speak loudly, and be rewarded soon.

Hmmmm... I know what's going through your thought draft! You're probably saying, "it's not as easy as you think" I can relate.

Things are very difficult for most people, and the environment we find ourselves may even make things more difficult. But do one fold his or her hands and stay hungry? You take the bull by the horn, gird up your loins, and go into the battle field.

Business may not work for all, but it may work for some. Know what works for you. I once had a Boutique that didn't even last for two months. Hahahahaha. With money wasted and all, I did not beat myself for long, but moved on and took it as one of those things.

Some are so good at business and poor in other areas, while some are good in other areas and poor in business. Some even waste the little they have in businesses, Instead of diverting that money into something more worthwhile. Know your environment, carry out a survey, know your SWOT(Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). When you go into a business and fail, how well you pick yourself from the floor, would determine how soon you would rise again.

I once saw the story of a woman that made a wooden safe, and kept dropping little amount of money into the safe, and realised several Thousands of Naira, just months later. She was surprised she could do that. She never believed the little water she dropped, could bring about such a mighty ocean.

Some of us may be very poor at saving, but when we realize how difficult it is when we are in need of money, but do not have any or much savings to fall back on, we would then advise ourselves to be more prudent with our funds.

Start small now. Be consistent and the results will come. Keep the faith!

It really good to think big though but maybe sometimes, we fail to understand that some are born to start small before they climb to the apex. Build yourself emotionally, financially and relationship with humans. If you don't develop yourself, your relationship becomes a cycle of nightmares.

In the mean time, while searching for identity, meaning, support and direction... Don't suffer from visual illusion that makes you see success without labor. Don't be seeing excellent grades ahead, where you've been watching TV shows more than reading your book. Optical illusion is not real. Those who give themselves to diligence get to the top.

What is your dream? To be a medical doctor, lawyer, journalist, lecturer, preacher, an engineer or an accountant? What is that thing you are so good at but find difficult to embark on? Start in your own little way, start small, with dedication, desire, discipline, perseverance and favor, you would get to the finish line. Most of the wealthy people you see today, did not start big, they kept pressing with so much dedication, they kept that little drop of water, in the form of savings aside, they gave their time and energy, that later turned to their own MIGHTY OCEAN.

In all we do, whether temporarily, personally, or spiritually, let's always remember that LITTLE DROPS OF WATER, TRULY MAKES A MIGHTY OCEAN.

Feel free to engage me with any of your questions or feedback. Yours truly!!! ©️MaximumWellness

🙇🙇Maximum Wellness ✍️✍️
🙇🙇Maximum Wellness ✍️✍️

Written by 🙇🙇Maximum Wellness ✍️✍️


A Dynamic Youth Aflame For Christ. Risk Manager. Mouth, The Pen Of A Ready Writer. Man Motivated By Desire To Achieve, Not By Desire To Beat Others.

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